Restoration of  P. A. Starck Piano Company Player Piano, Ser. # 58157 (1916)


Marking Area of pinblock to removed for delignite transplant

I try to leave 3/4 inch space outside of the existing tuning pin hole

Removing wood by cutting kerfs inside of marked area

First Stage of wood removal in progress

Much wood is removed by breaking with chisel or screwdriver

Using router to level bottom and remove wood from end areas

Now working on bass end

Completed Tenor and Treble section of pinblock

Bass section completed

Bass section cover with brown paper, with carbon paper underneath, for pattern of opening

Da Boss viewing pattern of tenor/treble area.  Pattern will be used to mark new delignite pinblock

Final fitting of bass section implant.  Now it's down to mark and sand.

Trimming one edge with the bandsaw

Tenor/Treble section ready

Bass section implant now ready

Masking tape covers all screw holes to prevent epoxy from blocking screw holes

Tenor/Treble implant now epoxied into existing pinblock

Bass implant epoxied into existing pinblock.  Paper towel plugs small leak in bolt hole

Next step will be to lightly sand top of pinblock to remove excess epoxy and to level new block with old block

Final pictures of this step coming soon.

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Web page Updated on January13th, 2007